Becoming a member
Women and men from Concerto network are sharing the same vision: small AND big is beautiful.
Being a human-size law firm within an international network brings the “Best of both worlds” and opens perspectives not only for our clients but also for the lawyers and the employees who work every day to serve them.
CONCERTO Legal Network is continually seeking new Law Firms who would be interested in becoming a member of the organization.
Membership is open to independent firms which distinguish themselves by an outstanding level of professionalism, expertise, teamwork and client-mindset.

Concerto membership criteria
- Minimum 5 Associates/lawyers
- English speaking capability (which is the general language of the Association, but members can converse between each other as they wish)
- Mostly commercial/corporate law with dispute resolution expertise
- A reasonable percentage of clients involved in international or cross-border trade
- Ideally not part of another association, but there is no policy of exclusivity
- Demonstrate appropriate experience; provide references from existing clients and must adhere to our Quality Code
- Ideally minimum one collaboration with a Lawyer’s office member of Concerto
- The final decision to appoint a new member rests with the Board, but an existing full member must be consulted about the potential appointment of another firm in the country of an existing member and the Board must also consider their views.
Are you interested in joining Concerto and benefit of broad international perspective and skills ?
Please fill the contact form in the “contact” section and a Concerto member will take contact with you.
Concerto’s ethics charter
The CONCERTO network is a network of independent law firms with a humanscale. The member firms of CONCERTO have adopted a growth dynamic, enabling them to offer their clients a strike force and a “full service” approach, in advice, litigation and, where appropriate, arbitration, in all areas of law affecting the business activity of companies.
The ideal size of firms varies from country to country (population, area of influence, business reality). Depending on the country, an ideal range would be between 5 and 25 lawyers per firm or per country.
The network aims to develop on all continents.
The general rule for the composition of the network is: one country = one firm. However, for each country, the first member law firm may decide, because of its geography, economy or regional legal rules, to bring one or more compatriot law firms into the network.
Each member firm of CONCERTO undertakes by its membership to respect the laws of its country or state and to comply with those of its bar association. The files that a member of CONCERTO may send to other members are legal, judicial or arbitration files.
Thus, the invoicing of services, or cases referral, that do not fall within the scope of legal or judicial services is prohibited within CONCERTO. Co-invoicing of a client by a firm referring a case, and by the firm receiving it, can also only relate to legal, judicial or arbitration services that both firms would have had to perform in the context of that case.
Unlike other structures, the member firms of CONCERTO consider that their objective is above all to meet the expectations of their clients, the invoicing of fees being based on the quality and relevance of the service. Strategies based on a search at all costs of a maximum billing, without consideration of the real needs of the clients, are prohibited.
Each law firm must be able to assure its clients that they will find the quality standards to which they are accustomed when working abroad with CONCERTO members.
To this end, each member firm is involved in researching and implementing these quality standards: responsiveness, high level of services, fair invoicing. Each firm appoints a partner who will be a member of the network’s “Quality” Standing Committee.
The members of CONCERTO abide by rules of good conduct among themselves and take into account differences in regional customs and habits.Courtesy, benevolence and consideration for the point of view of others must govern exchanges between members.
In the event of an estimated breach of duty by one member observed by another member, the observer shall first refer the matter to the President ofCONCERTO and inform him of the dispute. If the dispute is straightforward and the President can settle it on the basis of the statutes, he is free to do so directly. However, if he deems it useful, the CONCERTO President may either turn to the Executive Committee for an opinion. The Executive Committee may, depending on the seriousness of the problem raised, ask for a vote on a decision to be taken or proceed to appoint a “Claim Group”
The establishment of common rules and quality standards, as well as the exchange of experiences, may involve the setting up of exchanges of lawyers between firms. Thus, each firm will encourage and facilitate the reception of associates, partners or lawyers from other member firms of the network, in particular: participation in remuneration, assistance with accommodation, etc. The firms will in particular promote the economic conditions for their associates’ stay in foreign firms (partial or total maintenance of remuneration, creation of a fund or special reserve, etc.). An ad hoc working group will be responsible for establishing the rules and promoting exchanges between members.
Each member of CONCERTO aims to participate in the development of the network:
- according to its own needs and those of its customers,
- according to the network’s collective strategy and the needs of other members,
- according to his country’s historical, cultural and economic relations